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Isaac Fitzgerald

Residential Building
North Shore

Hi I've been building now for the past 5 years working on both commercial and residential jobs and specialising more on fitouts and finishing work in restaraunts and bars. I'm currently in my second year of getting my qualification but am competent in doing most work as I currently already run my own jobs for my boss. I pride myself on the quality of work and take extra care in providing the best service to customers and completing jobs within a set budget and time frame. I also have a people to give me a hand if the job is too big to do alone which can be arranged as well as my own contacts for electricians,plumbers and other tradies you may need.

What we do
Residential Building, Demolition, Earthworks, Timber & Vinyl Flooring, Plastering, Handymen Services
Areas served
Auckland, Manukau, North Shore, Waitakere
Business type
Sole Trader

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