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KFD Kitchen Factory Direct

Western BOP

Hi I am a cabinet designer and maker with years of kitchen experience.
As a kitchen maker, I have been asked to fix small kitchen jobs but we were not able to help customers who needs small jobs done.
There were so many enquiries on service and maintenance of kitchen cabinets, vanity and wardrobes. Finally, we are expanding services on cabinet repairs, which is the first of its kind in NZ from a Kitchen company. Whereas most kitchen companies only work on big repairs, we take on all jobs--even the small ones.
We do small jobs from adjusting doors, changing broken hinges, make drawers work smoother, putting new handles, re-do water damaged doors, new toe-kicks and more.
Since we specialise in kitchens and have a specific expertise and knowledge, we can guarantee that our work will be of better quality than your average handyman.
So whether we have made your kitchen or not, just call us if you need anything in your kitchen to make your kitchen work better and look better to cook better for the family you love.

Areas served
Kawerau, Opotiki, Rotorua, Tauranga, Western BOP, Whakatane
Business type
Sole Trader

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