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Level Up Builders NZ Ltd


Kia ora. We are Jarrod and Katy Alexander of Level Up Builders. Jarrod has been a builder for 30 years and he has built many new homes with his team of guys. They range from small houses in subdivisions to large high spec waterways homes in Pauanui. He is approachable, thinks outside the box, tidy, respectful and able to work with you to help you to achieve your vision - be it a new home or a small renovation. Katy is in charge of the office and she is great with communication. She has been known to lend a hand with the framing and she makes a fantastic morning tea for the boys. We can tackle any job -from a full house build right through to small decks and fencing.

We are a Christian company and we keep our employees to a high standard in their music choices as well as their banter. We also pay fairly and value each member of our team. We look forward to working with you.
Ngā mihi

Areas served
Hamilton, Waikato, Waipa
Business type

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