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Mike Gibson, Trade Qualified Carpenter


*Trade Qualified.
*Extensive experience as a carpenter in all facets of building, including sub trades.
*Last 8 years refurbishing own properties
*Referees to contact

I trained with a builder in Wanganui from 1969 to 1973, then worked for myself, building houses in and around Wanganui until the early 80's. The following years were spent at the local freezing works in the summer and building in the winter.
I continued with AFFCO NZ Ltd until being "head hunted" as CEO o a new Coldstore on Wellington Port. Soon after taking the position in 1999 the owner "ran away with the money" and worked for the reciever and then the financier for 12 months. Traveling USA for 3 months, then settling in Palmerston North, I returned to building with my partner. But this time buying and refurbishing houses, for investment. (Including 2 new homes) .
With 8 properties (7 in Palmy, and 1 in Lismore, NSW 1/2 hour from Byron Bay, we have been traveling and working in Outback Australia. Judy is a Nurse, and I work for the local builder or on my own in small towns for 4 or 5 month stints. We have rented our Palmy houses out long term and have a Caravan and 4wd in Aus.

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