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Diamond Civil Contractors


Diamond Civil Contractors, is a on the rise company specializing in civil and construction services. We offer a range of services including site preparation, earthworks, drainage, landscaping , and utility installation. Our profile provides information about the company's experience, capabilities, and projects we have completed. We emphasize in the commitment to safety, quality, and client satisfaction. We have a facebook and instagram that features a gallery showcasing our previous work and a contact form for inquiries. Overall, we are on an aim to showcase our expertise in being apart of growth towards amazing future projects.

What we do
Areas served
Auckland, Franklin, Hauraki Islands, Manukau, North Shore, Papakura, Rodney, Waitakere, Waiheke Island
Business type

Ask your tradie about their credentials. Not all work requires accreditations.

Before each show, all materials and debris on the concrete surface will be carted away. This includes any equipment, props, or waste that may obstruct the area. The goal is to create a clean and safe space for the show
After the show, any gaps or uneven areas on the concrete surface will be identified and leveled. This process includes filling in gaps, smoothing out rough patches, and compacting the surface to create a uniform finish. The leveling and compacting will be
Concrete preparation and leveling

This concrete preparation and leveling project was aimed to provide a clean, safe, and visually appealing surface for the next step of pooring the concrete. By following a systematic process of carting away materials, leveling, and compacting, the project ensures that the concrete surface meets the highest standards set by the client.

Workmanship reviews

This tradesperson doesn't have a review score because they do not have any recent reviews.

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