Active job

Roof Repair/Maintanance

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Job description

Metal Roof Leaks & Repair

Published: 16 October 2017

Our House was built in the mid-1980s and we have recently been in contact with a couple of people in the building trait, to come around and inspect this roof, and they both believed that this roof was generally in quite good condition for the exception of some nails that needed to be replaced with screws as they have rusted away over the years. The Roof is close to an A-framed shape, and as far as the material goes, I've been given all sorts of opinions but it seems it MAY be fiber cement. We are in need of someone who is able to repair this roof along with some rust remover here and there and can cover up a couple of cracks around the outside wall, which have poped up and are quite noticeable. Also, potentially looking at painting the roof if the overall job falls within the budget of $5,000-$10,000. Thanks

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