Closed job

New front path 1,500 x 8 metres

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Job description


Published: 23 April 2020

We are looking for a paving contractor to lay a new path from the front steps of our house to the footpath. Key points: - Existing steps are around 1,400 wide. We are looking for a path that is between 1,400 and 1,600 wide. - Standard pavers are fine, but we would likely choose a colour - There are three stumps that need to be removed as part of this job, all small - The front of the property currently has a small block wall (two layers high with a capping) that runs parallel to the footpath. You will need to cut an opening into this wall and (a) install one step up to the ground / path level; and (b) install two new stub retaining walls either side of the path / new step to retain the earth that is currently being retained by the existing block wall. We are ready to proceed with this work when Level 3 commences. Would suit someone with capacity.

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