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Arrowsmith Engineering Ltd


Introducing Arrowsmith Engineering, where precision meets passion in the world of steel fabrication. Founded in 2019, nestled in the heart of Canterbury, our growing business is dedicated to delivering high-quality, bespoke steel fabrication solutions tailored to your needs.

At the helm of our operation is James, a seasoned welder and the driving force behind our craftsmanship. James's journey began in his granddad's garage at the tender age of 8, where sparks of curiosity ignited his lifelong love affair with metalwork. Fast forward 22 years, and James has evolved from a curious enthusiast to a qualified fabrication engineer, pouring his heart and soul into every weld, cut, and creation.

Arrowsmith Engineering isn't just a business; it's a testament to James's unwavering dedication and passion. Named after his favorite mountain, a nod to his parallel love for mountaineering, our company embodies the spirit of adventure and precision. With James at the helm, each project is more than just a fabrication; it's a masterpiece in the making.

When you choose Arrowsmith Engineering, you're not just selecting a fabrication specialist; you're partnering with a team that breathes life into steel, turning raw materials into functional works of art. Whether you're envisioning a custom design or seeking unparalleled precision, James and the Arrowsmith team are here to turn your dreams into reality. Welcome to the world of Arrowsmith Engineering, where craftsmanship knows no bounds.

What we do
Areas served
Banks Peninsula, Christchurch, Hurunui, Mackenzie, Selwyn, Timaru, Waimakariri
Business type

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Automatic gate
Automatic gate

Recent project of automatic gate and install

Workmanship reviews

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