
Painting of a 3 bedroom house

Job description

Interior Painting
North Shore

Published: 9 December 2014

Our renovated 115m2, 3 bedroom house needs to be painted (internally), ideally between next week and New Year/early January.



Would not recommend this painter after an unfinished job turned into a very bad experience. Job took him longer than expected as many touch ups were required after a very sloppy job (not enough prep work was done so lots of spots still needed filling and sanding, only one coat of paint was applied to some areas, cutting in on ceiling and trims was very messy, all windows were left in a huge mess although there was some effort put into cleaning them after we asked for it twice, the wrong paint and paint colour was used on our ceiling which left very visible roller marks, brand new door handles were not removed and left messy, top of doors were never sealed and top coated, doors and trims had visible brush marks and are usually sprayed, roller marks on walls etc.). He was only going to come back and finish the last set of touch ups after 100% payment was received which we did not agree to (who would?). Once we paid 90% of original contract plus an additional $500 which was negotiated afterwards, he was supposed to come back and complete the job. He never came back and now we had to pay another painter for a full day to complete touch ups, sand and recoat the ceiling and the feature wall. We had full intentions of paying John 100% of contract price, even increased it by $500 and were open to negotiate another increase as the house is old and needed a lot of careful preparation which we expected would take longer then he initially quoted. While John always turned up when he said he would (except for the 2 days he had health challenges), his communication turned defensive (blaming our jib stoppers for sloppy work) and in the end, turned fairly nasty and insulting. We wish John all the best but would certainly not recommend him or use him again. This is too bad and our first negative experience after dealing with so many tradies over the past year of doing major renovations on our house.

Work carried out by the owner & subcontractors
Reviewed on 28-01-2015

Tradesperson reply
"Am really shocked to read this review especially since you are over 1000 dollars in debt to me. The job was completed to a top standard and I have photographic proof. The owners had many tradesmen coming in the house and lot of things being installed therefore damage were done to my original job which they expected to be repainted weeks after job completion for free. Mutiple walls were replastered after we fully completed the job which they expected to be painted for free. When the viewed the house after I completed it they were incredibly happy, but when it became time to pay they turned nasty and at any mention of money they would ignore calls and emails. They agreed to paying 90% of the money they owed to me ORIGNALLY not including all the extra work i did for free and they instead deposited $600 less than what we had agreed then continued to deny it. They have STILL not payed what they owe. Everytime they came to see the job they would say it was perfect then weeks later they would have complaints which they expected to be fixed. For example the freshly painted windows, they removed handles on all of them and scraped off paint so they went over and refilled them themselves and expected us to fully repaint at no cost.They kept saying they were happy to pay for extra work but wouldnt even pay for what had been done. They were expecting me to compete all extra work before they would even pay what they owed from original quote. Before the job commenced we agreed on rolling the doors rather than spraying. As for brush marks, any brush marks were due to us having to go over bumps and scratches done to work AFTER completion of job and I was unable to come back to the house until 3 weeks later due to them having other workmen in the house, this meant I had to touch up the work 3 weeks later than original job so ofcourse you will notice touch marks. In this situation the wall would of needed to be fully painted so no brush or roll marks would show, yet again they expected this to be done at no cost DESPITE my work being completed 3 weeks prior to that and they had already seen the job on completion and said that they were happy with everything. The prep work was done incredibly well and we spent alot of time on this, the house was in absolutely terrible condition to begin with. As we discussed I was more than willing to come back and do the minor touch ups that were left and were included in my original quote - not damages done 3 weeks after completion of job (this is less than half a days work) but they were not willing to pay even the 90% we agreed on. I had also completed alot of extra work which was not included in my original quote which had been discussed as an extra cost and they agreed to, yet on completion they again would not answer calls and emails and refused to pay. I thought it was reasonable to request 90% of original quote despite extra work I had done at no cost and agreed we would come back for further touch ups after this was payed. Yet they still refused to pay the full 90% owing. Really disappointing to see all this false information when the job was done to such a high standard and I tried my best to be reasonable despite all of the complications. Still waiting on the remaining $1500 to be payed for work that was completed. "

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