Posted 9 years ago
We need a full days work done weeding gardens on our liftstyle block
it is a house under renovation for sale, garden needs to be cleared and either slow seedling or spray or a ready lawn.... <<<<job needs to start within 1 week !!!.....>>>
Weeding, trimming, putting down stones.
Garden tidy up for a small unit
QUOTE ONLY I'm looking at getting a quote on getting my garden tidied up and ivy removed
My sloping section is about 600 m2. It has a new house, large deck and driveway on it. The section is not landscaped and left very untidy by the builder. The weeds have been cut last summer, unfortunately they are well established and now start to grow fast. I am looking at getting the weeds sprayed. (At a later stage more landscaping needs to be done). Please can you give me a quote for spraying weeds. Please mention which spray you will use.
General tidy up of garden while we get our house ready to be rented out. This will include removal of compost heap, tidying up where 2 garden sheds used to be, removal of a few trees, leveling our dog run and a few other things.
Small Front Lawn overgrown with weeds needs deweeding and lawn seed planted.
full section tidy up to be ready for sale
Tired garden needs tlc to rejuvenate lawns front and rear and general tidy up.
Very basic labouring job. Need someone with a wheelbarrow to shift abandoned site's scattered rubbish and debris into a pile in the back yard. $300- fixed price contract.
We need our garden tidy up with green waste taken away ,weeding, edges, quick trim off a couple of trees just made to look pretty ideally done before Thursday
maintaining garden already in place - self care plants - and weeding. Three small plots, and side of driveway. A lawn mow each visit is also needed, small lawn. Monthly.
I need 6 wool sacks of garden waste removed please :)
Grass Mowing, Weed Pulling General all over clean up. Will be looking for someone happy to do maintenance 2 weekly or so there after too.
general gardening and rose pruning - general tidyup as tenants moved out and to get it ready for new tenants - maybe to finish up it could have a leafblow of all the paths
Section maintenance and garden clearing
Hedges chopped back, general tidy, weeding. Trees trimmed and tidied. Lawn to be extended. Very small garden. About 3 - 4 hours work and a trailer load to dump. Possible ongoing maintenance work too.
Hard fill to be picked up and taken away as well as a small amount of soil in pictured area to even ground out a bit. Please send quote of complete job thanks.
200m2 lawn to mow (1st mow of new readylawn), in easily accessed L shaped section in Burwood.
I need a price for hedge/tree trimming in a property at 182 Westminster Street. The Oak tree at the front is hitting the roof, needs to be trimmed back, trim all fence lines and around the garage. And all waste to be removed. Thanks very much. James
lop back trees to the stump, 1 large 1 medium 1 small rake up leaves take all to the dump ASAP thanks
Weed Spraying and whipper snapping of weeds on land. General clean up of tracks and weeds around the buildings. expect 3-4 days work possibly longer. tralier of truck supplied for rubbish removal
Small areas of lawn, plus gardening- removing weeds, etc
Putting my house on the market, and the gardens need a big clean up! We need the paths on either side of our house cleared, flowerbeds weeded, and will include green waste disposal. Not a large area but quite overgrown.
small yard needs manicuring
Front garden needs a make over! Looking to landscape along the front with new tree's, bark and edge this with recycled wood.
3-4 times a year, I need a full garden maintenence, roses pruned, weeding, lawns, weed sprayed.
Move into a new house recently and need quite a bit of weeding and spraying done. Quite a large section
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