Active job

Door repair - skewed. Needs re-hinging and sanding of bottom metal joinery

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Job description

General Doors

Published: 26 June 2023

Hi, I need repair work done on entrance door's hinges and potentially, sanding done on bottom aluminium joinery. Currently our front door is at a slight angle and making creaking noises. Was told by door expert it needs re-hinging. The skewed door and creaks occured when moving in this Jan. Subsequently, a handyman came and sanded off the bottom left part of aluminium joinery(refer to 2nd pic). This removed the creaks for a few months. Now creaks occuring again, and am thinking the sanding of bottom joinery has caused further angling of door. I would require your expertise to confirm this. Firstly, I would need to get the door re-hinged properly. Next, after your professional consultation, I may or may not need the bottom aluminum joinery sanded on the middle and right side, so that it is flush with the door. This will leave a few mm gap at the bottom. Hence, with your input involved, I would probably then need the bottom of door to be attached with some plastic/rubber material(couple mm thick). The door is 40mm thick and 860mm wide. Looking for a handyman or door expert that has experience repairing doors with issue similar to this. If you can provide a better solution to my own, that will be highly regarded. A tradie with preferrably LBP registation would be recommended. Based in Flat Bush, South Auckland

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