Closed job

Stuart Iggo

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Job description


Published: 23 October 2018

We need to lift an existing concrete path to enable a leaking wastewater drain to be replaced by our plumber. Then, after the drain repair by the plumber, the path needs to be re-laid again with new concrete. The path is 0.85m wide and 14m long and is on a slight gradient. Easy street level access to the site. We want a slightly rough surface for wet weather traction and the path needs to accommodate the wastewater trap as shown in the photos. The existing path butts up to weatherboards on the house and we may need to replace the lower weather boards with cement boards or similar alternate cladding if the removal of the existing path exposes rotted wood. Ideally, the concrete contractor would have building credentials (or access to a builder) to handle this aspect of the job if required. Suggested pricing approach is a fixed price for removal of the existing path and relaying the new path with an agreed hourly rate for over and above work if the weatherboards need work.

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