Active job

Access to property

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Job description

Concrete Driveways & Paths
Hutt Valley

Published: 19 April 2011

We have a baby on the way and after looking into drive on access onto our steep section, we have decided it is going to be far more costly than anticipated. We have decided to modify this job to let those know who have been in touch about driveways, but would like to open the job up to those interested in helping us to establish at least a path up to our property that is safe and ideally for being able to up and down with a buggy! We live on a steep sloing section and access to our property currently is via an old path and dangerous steps weaving up the steep part of our section. We would prefer a a simple path following the coutour of the land leading along the front of our property as an interim measure for a larger scale project of putting in a drive when we are able to. We are looking for someone who is keen to help us find an easy solution, come up with a rough plan and just get stuck in (with help from my husband with digging etc) and for a good price. Baby is due on the 26th July, so if it can happen before this, it would be ideal. We would be looking to spend under 5k from start to finish.

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#1 Tradie 1 Not reviewed 0 jobs No longer in contact
#2 Tradie 2 No recent reviews 0 jobs No longer in contact
#3 Tradie 3 No recent reviews 3 jobs No longer in contact
#4 Tradie 4 No recent reviews 23 jobs No longer in contact
#5 Tradie 5 No recent reviews 9 jobs No longer in contact
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