
LAMINATE FLOOR Supply & Installation

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Job description

Carpet Laying

Published: 22 October 2011

need someone to supply and install QUALITY laminate/bamboo floor in the hallway, kitchen and dinner area. it can be installed as a floating floor or glued down.



This nasty cowboy came to quote the job, and overpromised that he was going to give me "perfection". Both my boarder and painter heard that. And he advised me to withdraw this job from builderscrack, otherwise he will have to pay for builderscrack, which i didn;t agree. The first day he started, he broke ALL my shirtings in the hallway. Once i found it, i told him that if he can't put them back as original, He is not getting paid. He picked up all his tools and left. Everyone there watched him leave and laughed at him. Before i put up this review on builderscrack, i called him few time was going to advise him that he left his hammer at my place. But he called me dick and hung up. Very nasty. pls be aware. ******************************************************** LIE #1, you nasty wanker, when you were taking the skirtings off, I was out to buy lunch for you and the skylight guy, I was so nice to you, even gave you cigrets. When i got back, i have seen a few shirtings broken on the floor. He then told me there were too many nails in there. I told him all the nails are visiable and he should have taken that into consideration before he knock it down. also I told him to put them back, He said "remember, i told you will give you perfection". Then the next day morning, He told me to buy paint and new shirtings. I then told him no and he breaks them, he needs to put them back on without charging me extra. otherwise he is not getting paid. He then chosed to leave. LIE #2. how would he know his quote is $400 cheaper than the other tradesman? I never discuss quote between tradesmen. I think he should have heard what i said. I said I dont negociate with tradesmen, because they will shortcut the job if the price is negociated. So this guy is a fucking lier. LIE #3, you started at 11am on 05/11 (saturday) and worked for half day, and how come you put the quote up on 9th? You voluteerly dropped the price and requested not to go through builderscrack, because you want to secure the job. I told you I am not going to do it. Now you know you why. because I give fair comments to tradesmen. LIE #4, you quoted me for $800 excluding the laminate floor, I have no idea where you get $1800 and $1500 from?!!You should be a film director, making all sorts of story up!! My boarder was saying you look cheap. And now I am telling you, you do look cheap! and you should blame on yourself for the rubbish work you have done. I had to spend another $140 to buy paint and new shirtings and $60 labor for the other handyman to put them up. LIE #5, I called him at least 3 times this morning tried to tell him there is a hammer here. He answered the first time, when he realized that was me, then he said "dick" then hung up, since that was an 0800, so i called 2nd and 3rd time. But he didn't answer. You know what, I will just give it to the next tradesman. You dont look like the guy can afford $150 hammer.

Work carried out by the owner/operator
Reviewed on 09-11-2011

Tradesperson reply
"IF ANY OTHER BUILDERS GET ANY WORK FROM 10 JENNER PLACE BE CAREFULL, MAKE SURE YOU GO THREW BUILDER CRACK BECAUSE THIS GUY IS A WANKER,,,,, When i first see fussy kevin name i thought to my self i like a challange, i told kevin the skitring boards may not come off because there rimu and there very brittle, he watched me take the first on off and i broke it, he then watched me take another one off and broke that one, the skirting have about 8 nails in each and they was only about as long as your arm, when i quoted the job for kevin i give him a price and i was 400 bucks cheaper than the last quote, i charger 400 bucks a day kevin ask me will knock 300bucks off if we dont go threw builders crack, (4 and half days) i said that dont sound like a good idear ( my alarm bells was ringing) any way the job was 4 $1800 bucks he said 1500 bucks cash, anyway when i got up for work this morning i thought to my self, lets secure the job on builders crack because that the right thing to do, (so lie number 1, builders crack you can check) any way he see me taking the skirting boards off and yes there was breaking, if they was pine or tara they have a bit of flex in them and they would be ok, so after about the third shirting board i broke he goes into he bedroom and checks he emails, he then said to me i thought we was not going threw builder crack, i said to him that sound like a bad idear, he told me i never said no, i said your right i never said no i just said they may not be a good thing to do, anyway hes attatude changed, he watched me take all he skiting boards off and break them. then he said i want you to repair all of them like new,i said, i told you they may not come off (he did not anwser me) you watch me try and get them all off and then you tell me you want all new ones, i said to him you are being unfair, you see there impossable to get off i said its going to cost me an extra 100bucks for varnish and skirting i said to him, look i give you the job for 400bucks cheaper that the last guy, lets go 50bucks each on the skirting and the varnish he said no, i broke them i pay for them. if he had told me after the first one i broke if you take any more off i want you to pay for them i would have mended the skirtin i broke(the first one was a creak break i would have just nailed it back 2gether and told him see you later, he never phoned me to tell me about my hammer it was somethink eles i didnt listern, i dont leave my hammer any where it cost me 150bucks, and i never called him a dick i called him a dick head and thats only because i had me 3years son next to me, if i didnt i would have called him a fucking wanker because that is what he is,,,,at the end of the day i only have my self to blame for choseing to deal with someone called fussy kevin"

Verified Builderscrack review

Trade professionals

#1 Tradie 1 No recent reviews 5 jobs Secured job
#2 Tradie 2 No recent reviews 9 jobs Secured job
#3 Tradie 3 No recent reviews 0 jobs No longer in contact

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