Active job

Built in wardrobe in character house

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Job description


Published: 30 September 2020

I’m wanting a built in wardrobe done that matches the style of my 1929 character bungalow. As the wall it will be on backs onto the bathroom, using the wall cavity isn’t an option so this wardrobe will need to be built out (hope that makes sense). In regards to size, I’d like to to run the width of the entire wall to the doorframe (approx 2.5m) and for the height I’d like to run from the floor to the ceiling (Again approx 2.5m). Ideally I would like a lot of bar space (and the bar needs to be sturdy (as I have a LOT of clothes) and some built in drawers would be great too. I’m not too phased what the inside looks like, I just want the external doors to match the style of the house. In regards to the timeframe, I am moving into my place in around 6 weeks so we wouldn’t have access until then.

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