
minor carpentry (house exterior)

Job image
Job image

Job description

General Building
North Shore

Published: 5 February 2011

I urgently need a reliable North Shore builder to cut and fit cedar plugs into the gaps between my weather boards and windows (see photo 1). I also have a number of small carpentry jobs connected with the painting of my house. The biggest of these is dealing with some rot in a French door (see photo 2). I estimate I have a total of 3-4 days work. Some of these jobs are urgent because the painters are already on-site begging for a builder/chippie to come and make their lives easier. If you’re interested, send me a message ASAP indicating; (i) your hourly rate, (ii) your readiness to start Monday or Tuesday latest, and (iii) evidence of relevant experience. Don't even think about contacting me if you can't walk the talk. I value competent builders but my patience for those who can't deliver on their promises is all used up. If you're the real deal, I look forward to hearing from you. I will be checking my messages every few hours. Cheers.

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