
INTERIOR works at Namgook Korean Buddist Temple (Oct 2023 - April 2024)

Project description

The Namgook Temple project was one of the most significant and challenging endeavors we have undertaken in our building experience. It was not only a symbolic Korean Buddhist building but also the only Korean Buddhist temple in New Zealand.

Inside the temple, we faced two major challenges. The first was assembling exotic, custom-made furniture valued at $50,000. We had to ensure that no scratches or damage occurred during assembly. With great care and attention, we took full responsibility and successfully assembled all the furniture without any issues.

The second challenge involved installing massive, custom-made curved wooden beams, each weighing 150kg. Any miscalculation in cutting these beams could have led to serious setbacks, as remaking them would have been time-consuming. We meticulously calculated and double-checked every measurement to ensure precision.

Once the beams were accurately cut outside, we transported them into the temple. Using a hired heavy-lifting machine, we first lifted and secured the front part of each beam with bolts, then lifted and secured the rear part.

Despite the complexities and challenges, we completed the project successfully, with no mistakes.

Last updated on 05-09-2024