Services I provide
Roof Painting, and water blasting, residential and commercial. From faded colour steel roofs to concrete tiles we do it all.
Exterior, interior painting
New builds or re paints
I have been painting now for 36 years since I left high school at Christchurch Boys High, I served my apprenticeship with my first and only boss which I was there for 10 years before I became self employed and then eventually starting my own company Mason Wairau Painters Ltd in 2012..Now spring and warmer weather is on its way it would be a good time to look to see if your roof needs painting . We are certified in fall arrest safety harness system which usually means no need for edge protection. Also certified and trained to use EWP so knucklebooms and sissorlifts are an option. We are also highly qualified in all aspects of painting. Interior, exterior, plastering and skimming, new builds and repaints. Health and Safety is our number one priority as well as quality and keeping our customers happy is our goal.
BC Rating
Workmanship |
Quality of workmanship provided |
Cost |
Final cost kept to the quoted cost | |
Schedule |
Job kept to schedule | |
Communications |
Professional and responsive |
Partner with Builderscrack
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