To introduce myself, I’m the director of H&S Precise Construction Ltd. Have had experience in mixed Commercial and Residential Building Projects over the years. Had been working in a couple of Private Residential Projects.
Recently, I’ve registered a company as above and gathered a quality team of 10.
1 qualified and 15years + experience in building commercial & residentials under his belt(worked at the Greenlane Project on Campbell Rd)
1 Engineer
4 Apprentice hammerhand (As our commitment to training youth/ NZders who are passionate to learn the trade)
Among my team is Wade Puklowski who was named the Upper South Island Registered Master Builders Carters 2016 Apprentice of the Year and awarded second place in the National Certified Builders Carpentry Apprentice Challenge.
Our company’s Aim is for our clients to be assured that with our precise building skills we can guarantee quality at the handover stage,
Partner with Builderscrack
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