Active job

Silicon shower base

Job image

Job description

Shower Sealing
New Lynn, Waitakere

Published: 3 August 2021

I have a tiled shower base that needs new silicon, along with one wall next to the shower. The job was originally done not very well. The silicon needs to be taken out and re-done in a black waterproof silicon and needs other suitable applications applied to protect it. I think one of the shower walls and the outside wall needs a small packer put in to silicon on top of. The shower is approx 1.2m x 0.8m. The outside wall is approx 1.5m. There are 3-4 small (5cm) ledges that will probably need to be re-done when you take this silicon out. I have shown the lines that need doing with red lines in the images. I don't have time to meet to show the job sorry, so please submit your price based on the photos and description. I can answer questions if needed. I am flexible on when the job can be done, but needs to be done in August. Thanks

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