Active job

Toilet repair and wood Drying Out

Job description

Otaki Beach, Kapiti Coast

Published on 10 April 2024

Hi there, We had some moister testing done as part of purchasing a property. This found that the toilet has some leaks which has been leaking behind the toilet wall. Settlement is on the 19th of April and we would really like to get a plumber in the following week. I have attached the recommendations below. we recommend: • That a plumber is engaged to remove the toilet pan. • Cut open the rear toilet wall. • Investigate and remediate as we believe the source of the leak is either coming from the pan (leakage identified in the subfloor space), or from the water feed to the toilet cistern. • Remedy and remediate area. • Installation of a dehumidifier in both the laundry and toilet rooms (with doors shut) for one to two weeks to draw elevated moisture from wall linings. • Optional recheck of invasive moisture readings after the above mentioned work has been

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