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'Full' Plasterboard skim coat for 2 rooms + hallwaypost wall paper removal

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Job description

Plasterboard Repair

Published: 30 December 2023

Hello, while removing very old and stubborn wallpaper from 2 bedrooms and hallway, there are also several place, the surface of the plasterboard got damaged. I will fill any deeper holes(from nails) , and prep surface based on your advise or you can quote. I need professional skills to apply a skim coat so that it's smooth enough for painting. I am still working on the removal in the 2nd room, but see some sample pictures of the problem attached. Wall space approx 20*2.40m (incl some windows). I have further rooms to follow if this job goes well. Looking for someone first week of January. Please respond with a quote detailing: - Skil coating (the work) - Preperation (where you would take this task on) - materials (or what I should purchase) And please outline anything else to consider or state you'd want to find the walls in. Thanks, Vero

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