Active job

Pro bono painting for a cause

Job description

Exterior Painting

Published: 7 February 2018

Hello there I know its a long shot but I'm messaging around to see if I can find someone to finish painting my mums exterior of her house. The catch is I don't have money to pay for your time but can supply sandpaper paint two rat tail brushes and one mask. The house is in raumanga. I painted most of the house and there is just 2 walls left it really only needs a light sand. I do beleive the undercoat on the weather boards is lead. But injured my back and work full time. She really needs it finished. So just putting it out there if any painting company would like to come on board and help a good hard working mother out. She is an older lady and ran out of time money and energy to complete her renovations after purchasing the house. Thank you for your time. And again I'm just putting it out there so its fine if you cant . I've done the best I can and this is my last shot.

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