Active job

Interior paint of lounge room walls

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Job description

Interior Painting

Published: 26 February 2016

Hello - I would like my lounge room walls painted relating to the property at 95 Ruamanga Valley Road. The lounge is currently yellow and I want it painted a white-type colour, something like Resene Half Bianca but I will confirm the exact colour soon. Attached is a photo of the lounge and the floor plan. The floor plan measurements can be converted from feet to meters using this web site: --- There will be no furniture in the lounge but the carpet will need to be protected. You can take down the curtains to paint and there is no need to re-hang them. I am unsure of the exact height of the walls but think that this should be approximately 2m. Unfortunately I will not be able to let you into the house to have a look at the job prior to quoting; but you are more than welcome to visit the property to have a look in the lounge window from the outside (through the sun filter curtains), as no one is living at the property at the moment. Ideally I would like this job completed on Wednesday 23 March 2016.

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#1 Tradie 1
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#2 Tradie 2 No recent reviews 26 jobs No longer in contact
#3 Tradie 3 No recent reviews 1 job No longer in contact
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