Active job

New Floor

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Laminate & Floating Flooring

Published: 6 June 2015

Hi, we have existing floors in our open kitchen and dining areas that appear to be particle board that has been laminated (photo attached). We are looking to put in a new kitchen so are trying to work out costs to get the floor redone, we want something that is hard wearing and ok with water from spills in the kitchen, we also have 2 dogs so don't want anything that is easily scratched. We have heard bamboo isn't that great but want a "fake wood plank" kind of floor. Measurements are for the whole area so will be a little less by the time the kitchen is in. What type of flooring would you recommend, and can it just be laid over the existing floor or does it need underlay? Also wondering if its cheaper to get the materials via a tradesman or get them ourselves ie. Split quote between materials and labour. We want something that will last but won't cost the earth. Total floor area is 3.06m wide x 7.06m long. Thanks heaps!

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