Active job

Make the back yard a safe and secure place for the pooch.

Job description

General Fencing

Published: 24 January 2020

Bit of a tricky one. I have a puppy (coerced into adopting it by my daughter) and my back yard is partly fenced but not completely so a little porous in some places. I want to "fill the gaps" basically so some fencing here and there in the gaps etc. Possibly with a little gate as well. The fencing need not be large wooden etc, I'm thinking more steel mesh with whatever you call the upright steel members for some rigidity. But also happy to take a tradie's advice. Doesn't have to be super pretty as it's all down a right of way and out of sight of the road; just secure so I know the pooch can bounce around and be a clown without getting out. Sorry I don't really think pics would tell the story; would probably need someone to have a look and assess what's required and go from there. I'm currently job-hunting myself so not super well-off but happy to find the funds to pay for a good job, doesn't have to be the cheapest etc if that makes sense.

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