Published: 15 February 2018
We purchased a dishwasher to fit under the bench but the power cord does not reach the nearest wall socket (see pic for reference). It was suggested to us that we get another socket installed under the sink (in the cupboard) to power it. I'm not really keen to install a new power socket under the sink as we plan on renovating the whole kitchen in the next 5-10 years (don't want to leave the dishwasher unused all that time!) and the sink has been known to leak in the past. We would like to know the approximate cost for several options: 1 installing a socket under the sink 2 installing a socket down the side/back of the dishwasher (a recessed socket may need to be installed) 3 connecting the dishwasher directly to the existing wires (cutting the plug off) 4 lengthening the dishwasher cord. We would welcome any suggestion on the best course of action and quotes on how much this would cost.
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Reviewed on 01-03-2018
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