Active job

Blocked Fibre Conduit/Pipe (Green)

Job description

Fibre Optic Cabling

Published: 23 August 2022

We are trying to get the internet fibre wire through a pre-laid green conduit which goes from the house (new build) to the pole at road side. We are on the back section which was subdivided and our house was built on it. The person who did the sub division, service the back section including running a green conduit from the road to the start of the back section. It appears that builder then extended the green conduit to go to the side of the house but where the old conduit meets the new conduit it is either blocked or we think misaligned so a cable snake won't pass through. The conduit is under the concrete driveway and we don't wish to pull it up so looking for solutions. We can run air (vacuum cleaner) and create a suction and we can also run water end to end (water was used to clean out debris which was an original blockage) so we think the blockage isn't complete as water and air can pass through just not the fibre snake. They also didn't have a pull cable. Keen to see if someone can offer a solution so we can use the green conduit and not have to run an overground pipe down the driveway which Chorus aren't keen to do either.

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