Closed job

Investigate and repair exterior junction at the top of 2nd storey

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Job description

Electrical Repairs

Published: 29 April 2018

After a building wash one of my light fuses was tripping, after several times experiencing the fuse tripping I noticed this exterior junction was smoking. Its very likely the building wash guys put a lot of water over the junction and some got in. I don't know the extent of the damage inside the junction. Access to the junction is difficult, it’s at the top of a 2nd storey. A pergola further restricts access, when I stand on the pergola my hand is 20cm from touching the junction (I'm 1.8m tall). I could take off a sheet of two of poly carbonate roofing from the pergola to help access if needed. Considering there is some unknowns in this problem I'm after a flat rate estimate for access to the junction plus hourly rates. There is no urgency for this job eg. the lights were damaged two weeks ago

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