For something a little different, we’ve rounded up the past couple weeks’ media coverage that featured Builderscrack.

Leading up to this point, various data agencies had released financial stats on household spending across NZ, along with their predictions of consumer behaviour once restrictions eased. We knew this was a prime opportunity to contribute in promoting the trades industry.

Cultivating a symbiotic relationship with various media outlets over the years has allowed us to do two things:

  • Actively promote the trades industry as a worthwhile investment for homeowners, and
  • Be regarded as a trustworthy source for media to access real-time commentary.

Throughout June and July, BC was reported in various outlets as a strong advocate for trades in NZ. This positioned us and our trade base at the heart of the conversation regarding a resurgence of trade-related activity.

The mainstream exposure is good. But paying close attention to the fundamentals at play underneath these stories – like household income and consumer confidence – is what will ensure BC continues to see strong job numbers.

We’re focused on refining our service as one that adapts to provide real value for you – one that continuously offers a worthwhile point of difference.

So while we’re working hard to create new markets and build relationships, we want to say thank you for putting your trust in us. We’re grateful for your business.

Looking ahead – we’ll be leveraging the momentum of BC in the spotlight to bring in business for you.

You can check out the full stories here.

Jeremy Wyn-Harris
Managing Director