Client: Longridge Country Estate
Project Location: Paeroa, New Zealand
Scope of Work: Drainage, Earthworks, Civil Engineering, and Roading
Project Scale: 460-House Retirement Village
Project Status: 25% Complete
Overview: NZ Earthworks & Civil Limited is engaged in the ongoing development of Longridge Country Estate, an eminent 460-house retirement village in Paeroa. Our role encompasses comprehensive management of drainage, extensive earthworks, civil engineering, and road construction.
Project Details: The project began with extensive site preparation, involving significant earthmoving to ensure the land was properly contoured and stable for future construction and infrastructure. Tailored to the unique needs of a retirement community, our work prioritizes accessibility and sustainability.
Our team has implemented an advanced drainage system designed to manage stormwater efficiently and minimize environmental impact, crucial for the site’s sustainability. The civil engineering efforts involve close coordination with multiple stakeholders to ensure alignment with the architectural and infrastructure requirements, including utility setups and pedestrian-friendly pathways.
Road construction focuses on safety and durability, using high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting infrastructure that supports safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Current Progress: As of now, the project is approximately 25% complete. We have made significant strides in earthmoving and preliminary drainage installations. Road layout and initial paving phases are underway, laying the foundation for further development.
Conclusion: The ongoing work at Longridge Country Estate highlights NZ Earthworks & Civil Limited's commitment to excellence in large-scale earthworks and civil engineering projects. Our team is dedicated to maintaining high standards of quality and safety, ensuring that the project not only meets but exceeds expectations in creating a sustainable and secure environment for the future residents.
Last updated on 07-10-2024
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