
Leaky Roof

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Job description

Repair Tile Roof

Have a badly leaking roof. Have solar panels & think support has sprung a leak thru the roof. Here is a quote from a handyman who has looked at the roof. The water was dripping from the ceiling when I was there. There was also a pool of water on the top surface of the ceiling plasterboard. Approx 1500 x 400mm. There was no wet or damp timber and the roof paper showed no signs of water damage. The roofing paper is about 1200 wide and runs the length of the house. Overlapping from the bottom. This means any water entering is running down the paper before getting to the ceiling. The space is limited due to the low roof. Establishing where it is entering would require the roofing paper to be removed. To replace it would then require it to be stapled to the trusses rather than over the top. The water is around the area of the base of the solar panels. The panels are fitted with large brackets which are under the roofing. So to install them the decramastic tiles have been removed and reinstalled. It can also be seen from in the roof space as well as from the ground that some of the tiles are damaged or bent downwards. So I would suspect water is pooling on 1 of the tiles and making its way through a damaged area. Running down the paper and off at the bottom.

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