
Repiling/foundation repairs

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Job description

EQC Assistance

We are looking for a Fletchers approved outfit who are experienced with re-piling and repairing damaged ring foundation. Not happy with the builder they have assigned us, and not happy with SOW for foundation. Would love to have unbiased and experienced quote, and hopefully gain a bit more control over the earthquake repair process. Engineering qualifications would probably help, but may not be necessary.



Kim was excellent about inspecting our property and setting the Fletcher's engineer straight on several errors. He discovered structural damage where they had only seen cosmetic. This was extremely helpful. He was taken on as a sub-contractor by our Fletcher's assigned builder to repair our foundations and piles. He also bid for repairs to the plaster and tiles on the exterior of our house and front porch. Before our earthquake repairs began, Kim met with the builder and ourselves and explained that he would get building consent while the repairs were underway. He claimed to be familiar with the process, so we believed him. His crew turned up on schedule and began work. On day 2 we had to ask them to remove the pile of hardfill which they'd dumped on the lawn. They did this promptly, shifting it to our driveway. Eventually we had to remove this ourselves. Otherwise, we believed the work was going well, and the foundation repairs were completed within the 2-weeks scheduled, despite horrid weather and snow. The plastering work seemed to take much longer, and there were several week-long stretches when no one turned up at all. Weather may have been a factor. It is now 9 weeks after our supposedly "5 week long" repair began, and Kim's employee finally completed our tiling 4 days ago. The biggest problem I have with this job is that when our Fletchers builder inspected the completed foundation work, he found it to be substandard. He asked Kim for the building compliance, and it turned out Kim hadn't applied for it. Nearly a whole week went by before Kim responded to calls and texts from the builder and myself. The builder told Kim he couldn't be paid until compliance was secured. The following day (week 7 of Kim's 2-week job), his crew were back at our house re-doing the piles, with us and our young children now living in the house! After Kim's wonderful reassurances at the start, I was very saddened to find that his crew hadn't done a good job the first time, and seemed to be fobbing us off with inadequate foundations. In the end the job was done to standards, but only due to the diligence of our Fletchers-assigned builder.

Work carried out by an employee of the company
Reviewed on 31-07-2012

Tradesperson reply
"I do not know what your builder has been telling you, but you are misinformed. Firstly the work did not require building consent and was completed with the supervision of our engineer, under exemption from the CCC.. Secondly the uncompleted work you refer to was an area of the piles we did not touch, which had been originally packed and held down with non complying fixings. This was explained to your builder, who obviously took no notice. To keep all parties happy I sent my men back to site, to address the problem, at my cost might I add. As far as timing was concerned, we were on site when the builder said we could start, and from then on we worked around him to get the job done. If you recall there was a bout of bad weather, along with a tiled front terrace which was a variation to the contract. As you will also be aware, it is also very difficult to carry out exterior plaster repairs in the rain.I feel it would be prudent in future to discuss these issues with the person concerned, before posting comments that are clearly not factual. Thank you."

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