Active job

Painting our Scout Hall - All Saints Birkenhead

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Job description

Exterior plastering
North Shore

Seeking your support to paint our Den We area local Scout Group based in Recreation Drive, Birkenhead, catering to boys and girls 5 - 18 years in all scouting sections - Keas, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. We are hoping to raise some much needed funds on our upcoming Quiz night to do this task of painting our den. The underneath of the paint is known to be lead based so we are not sure if this adds to the cost or to the preparation of the work. We are looking for someone to either help paint, or to provide materials or paint for us to all pitch in and do the job from volunteer support. We are having a Quiz Night and Auction on September 8, 2012. Our Fundraising Evening is an opportunity for all our families and community to get together and support the volunteer leaders and youth members - raise funds and have fun. We would appreciate any assistance you may be able to give. All donations are acknowledged before, during and after the event with encouragement to scouting families to support the businesses that support our Group. We’d be happy to receive your logo and can display a poster or flyers on the evening too. If perhaps the whole job is taken on as a local project we would fund signage and promotional material for your efforts to continue to get local contacts for further work. Please contact me if you are able to assist our fundraising goals. Thank you for considering our request. Vicki Febery - Committee Member --- | ---

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