Active job

Concrete Drive/shaping ground

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Job description

Concrete Driveways & Paths
North Shore

Published: 11 November 2023

Break up and Removal: The neighbour and i need to repair our drive way. We need to have 150m2 approx of concrete broken up and removed. Ground Levelling: The soil will need to reshaped so the run off of water slopes towards the edge of the property. This would be about half a metre deeper than current levels. Soil can use left on site? The width of the drive is to widened by about half a meter. Two parking pads to added to the area as well. Stump: There may be some tree roots that will need to be removed? Concrete Drive reinstatement : The new drive would about 160m2 and will need reinforcing, base course, boxing etc Will accept recommendations as to the type of concrete. A small 3-5 ton truck can fit down the driveway. We may do this in stages as above. i Require quotes for the separate jobs as listed above. i have photos of utilities depths etc. There is a fibre cable very close to the surface.

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