Active job

Driveway resurfacing

Job description

Concrete Driveways & Paths
Lower Hutt, Hutt Valley

Published on 27 February 2025

My driveway which is about 22 m2 (2.5 m by 8.5 m needs resurfacing. I have bought Cemix concrete resurfacer - 5 bags (20kg) but I am not physically fit to do the job as I had serious health problems last year. According to the Cemix factory 2 coats are required. The first day only the first coat and the second day the second finish coat. Can you please give me quotation for the labour only. I think for a professional it will be an easy job. I am well aware of the proportion water to cemix resurfacer and I can help with the mixing. I live in Lower Hutt.

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