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Underfloor insulation and closing off gaps under the house

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Job description

Underfloor Insulation Installation

Ideally I'm looking for insulation, damp proofing and measures to prevent rodents entering the wall space from under the house but I'm not sure what can be done in the space I've got. The house is two stories built into a hill/rock. There is limited space under the house and behind the walls that back onto rock. A cupboard built under the lower part of the stairs has only cheap board separating it from the rock wall/ground so this could be removed for access, as can the wall behind a wardrobe. I think there are some voids that could do with being sealed if possible. These are also the areas where rodents seemed to get into the walls/first floor ceiling space last year. There is no insulation under the floor (wooden) or in the walls. My priority is underfloor insulation and closing off some of the entry points under the house/stairs, if it is possible, but I'd also like costings for some wall insulation for the rooms downstairs. Basically I want to improve the temperature and get rid of the slightly musty smell downstairs. I'm open to ideas depending on the cost. The pictures show underneath the house and the cupboard space. There is not a lot of room.

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#1 Tradie 1 No recent reviews 25 jobs No longer in contact
#2 Tradie 2 No recent reviews 52 jobs No longer in contact

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