Closed job

Remove and put back 4 weather boards (replace if break when removing)

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Job description

Weatherboard Repair
North Shore

Hi, I would like a quote for removing and putting back 4 weather boards. Must be completed by a registered builder. I am having the waterproofing replaced. But the boards need to be removed so they can do their work. So its removing the boards, and then returning at a later date to put them back. The boards look in ok condition, not 100% but I’m happy for the same ones to be put back on if possible. But also understand there is a risk they break when removing them in which case so be it we will need new ones, happy for it to be 2 quotes, one for if they come off ok and can go back on and another for replacing with new ones as appreciate that will be more. We are Newburn road in Waiake. Happy to supply more photos and you quote from the photos, or if you need to come round that is ok but need the quote asap as the Waterproofer is locked in, removing the boards might need to be soon, putting back we can flex to your availability as can tarp it in the meantime.

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