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Job description

General Glazing

We offer Wellington-based community education. We have had a huge number of requests for 1-2 hour introductions to basic jobs in the trades - handyman skills - changing a window pane - leaking tap, faucets, washers - renovation: painting, plastering, basic building - how to make a planter box - change a fuse, plug, socket, wire a two switch light - making furniture - fill a nail hole, paint and mask - repairing broken tiles - carpet laying - home automation (dimmers) - fencing - lawn into veges Etc. If you want to share your skills in a practical way with the community at a very basic level, we would be offering $50-120 an hour. Please provide the type of class you could offer (be specific with a common everyday problem if possible) and your rate. You must be available to teach your class in September after hours in evenings or weekends only. Thank you!

Trade professionals

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