Closed job

Repiling or Relevelling

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Job description

House Piling

My wife and I own a smallish (88m) 3 bedroom, 1980s house. The house has fibrelight weatherboards and a steel A-frame roof. There is an attached old deck we are thinking about replacing. When we purchased the home 3 years ago we noticed some small cracks on the cladding and interior gib. The builder's report advised relevelling or repiling in the not too distant future. The property is on slightly sloping ground, consisting of mainly Avondale clay. The house is on wooden piles, 30cm off the ground at one end and about 1m off the ground at the other. As we are looking at doing some renovations we want to repile or relevel the house. We are unsure whether full repiling is necessary, or whether partial repiling or relevelling would be sufficient. I'm a teacher and my wife is a nurse so we aren't rolling in it - some option for costs would therefore be ideal. Thanks.

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