Closed job

Door repair & cat door install or door replacement plus catdoor and painted

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Job description

General Building

Published: 2 May 2020

I need a wooden door fixed or replaced but ideally fixed and a new cat door installed. The door is both wooden and glass and in sections, by this I mean the top half is glass and the bottom half is a panel which I think is made of plywood. A member of my family had lots of things they were carrying and rather than putting them down they used their foot to open the door and this caused the plywood to shift and break. The top of the door is fine. I tried to reinsert the plywood and did a bad job. It needs an expert to install a new piece of plywood. In addition my cat needs a cat door reinstalled in this section. I then want the door painted. If it can't be repaired which my preferred option then I need a new door, car door and it to be painted. Thanks

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