Published on 2 February 2025
We are part-way through a house renovation and our builder has sustained an injury and is unsure as to when he will be able to return to work. We are keen to progress with the renovation and so are interested in finding a builder able to take on completing the renovation. This mostly entails building a deck and completing the interior (the exterior building work other than the deck has been completed). Our builder is willing to provide information to assist with the transition. Most of the materials are already on site (other than the gib) and sub-contractors for electrical and plumbing have been organised. The first 2 photos show the extent of the deck (indicated by the position of the profile boards and also the joists under the bay window). The third photo is taken from the outside corner of the lounge, looking through to the open plan kitchen/dining area. The final photo shows the bathroom, which includes a tiled shower.
#1 | Tradie 1 |
7 jobs | No longer in contact |
#2 | Tradie 2 |
29 jobs | No longer in contact |
Partner with Builderscrack
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