Published: 8 October 2024
Hi, Job in Key's Street Belmont, North Shore Auckland. 1 - I currently have --- --- ?store=9491&gad_source=1&gclid= --- ABzeJPbDagaApt-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds but the exhaust fan has stopped working. Notice that the exhaust fan is facing up as compared to the sideway's exhaust format which is available in goldair and HPM which is the one we will replace with. 2 - Replace the existing Insulation with new insulation as you can see it has some droppings from mice. the whole house is less than 80 sqm. 3 - Replace the HRV Filter.
#1 | Tradie 1 |
19 jobs | No longer in contact |
#2 | Tradie 2 |
76 jobs | No longer in contact |
#3 | Tradie 3 |
4 jobs | No longer in contact |
Partner with Builderscrack
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