Published: 21 September 2022
Replacement of external 'windowsill' x2. Windows replaced with double-glazed PVC frame approx 18 months ago - thinking the deteriorating sill should have been picked up then but not sure - either way, it needs replacing. Ground floor windows. Have attached a photo where you can see the sill, and one where you can see it's placement in the house. The second window is next to this out of picture frame. Both Nor/west side of house) It appears (to me) to be an external issue to the sill only - the window frame inside doesn't appear to have any rot. Hopefully the rotten sills can be replaced without the windows needing to be removed (they look decretative rather than functional to me) - - but you're the expert and can advise. Looking for the repair to take place sometime before Christmas if possible. Thank you.
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Jordan was great, heard my concerns, offered advice, and did a great job. Really appreciative of the quick turn around. Thanks Jordan.
Work carried out by the owner/operator
Reviewed on 01-11-2022
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