Active job

Free view satellite dish installation

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Job description

Antenna Installation

Published: 29 September 2024

Job is for my mother. I am a tradie but unable to complete this job as I'm not near by to complete it personally. House came with UHF antenna despite free view recommending a dish as there is no line of site to Mt Victoria. A few channels are unavailable when tuning TV and some are digitally garbled. We would like a new dish installed, cabling is pre installed. May aswell leave the UHF antenna there rather than taking it down. The spare coax arrives in the garage distribution panel where the lounge TV feed would need be joined to the dish supply. TV would have to be taken off the wall, and an fconn fitted to the TV side and attached to the dish input and TV retuned. A few f-connectors, a joiner and a new dish with some care and attention to detail would be appreciated 🙏🏾

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